New York Bar Complaint

Against Jorge G. Tenreiro

for Professional Misconduct and Tortious Interference

Research Issues That Need Investigation

  • Potential fraud on the court
  • Alleged witness tampering and coercion
  • Potential misrepresentation of evidence

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This portal is to assist persons/entities negatively and who feel, unlawfully affected by the actions of Jorge Tenreiro of the SEC in the filing of a complaint to the NY Bar Association.

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Once fully reviewed, and you are satisfied, email the document to:

Attorney Grievance Committee (AGC) Office Information:

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Impact Statement PDF Generator

Personal Information

* Victim Impact Statement

Please provide a freeform introduction statement below. This statement will serve as the opening paragraph(s) of your submission document.

In your introduction, politely, professionally, and succinctly introduce yourself and explain to the Bar reviewers why you are filing this complaint. Even if you are not a VERI token holder, your complaint is still relevant if you believe the SEC’s actions, or those of Attorney Jorge G. Tenreiro, have directly impacted you in any way.

To assist you, topics to consider are illustrated on the right. The system will automatically generate the supporting evidence, and you will have the opportunity to review the full document before and after submission. View Guidelines

Leading Statement

The misrepresentations and mischaracterizations, including, but not limited to; the VeADIR platform’s operability and functionality, misappropriation and dissipation of assets, allegations of manipulative trading, false allegations concerning ownership of the Kraken account, combined with serious misconduct have led to unjust asset freezes that severely affected Veritaseum’s operations. As a member of the constituency that the SEC was mandated to protect, this misconduct caused

Impact on VERI Token Holders

If you are also a VERI token holder, please provide an additional freeform introduction statement below. Like above, this statement will serve as the opening paragraph(s) of your submission document.

In your introduction, politely, professionally, and succinctly introduce yourself and explain to the Bar reviewers why you are filing this complaint. As a VERI token holder, describe how the SEC’s actions, led by Attorney Jorge G. Tenreiro, have impacted your financial situation, access to the platform, or other personal and business matters. This introduction should clearly express the specific harm or losses you experienced due to the SEC’s intervention.

To assist you, topics to consider are illustrated on the right. The system will automatically generate the supporting evidence, and you will have the opportunity to review the full document before and after submission. View Guidelines

Leading Statement

The continuation of this false narrative caused further damage to Veritaseum’s business and the functionality of the platform for VERI token holders. As a token holder,

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* required
Next Steps to Complete Your Submission and Meet Bar Requirements:

  1. Write Your Signature:
    • Use a clean, white sheet of paper.
    • Sign using a black pen for optimal clarity.
  2. Capture the Signature:
    • Take a clear, well-lit photo of your signature using your phone or a scanner.
    • Ensure the paper is flat and the signature is straight.
  3. Edit the Image (Optional):
    • Crop the image to remove any excess background.
    • Adjust brightness and contrast if necessary for better visibility.
  4. Save the Image:
    • Save the file in a standard format such as PNG or JPEG.
  5. Upload the Image:
    • On the web form, select “Upload” or “Choose File.” (above)
    • Choose your signature image within the pop-up file browser and chose 'open' to upload the signature.

Take the Final Step: Email Your PDF To:

The Attorney Grievance Committee (AGC):


Guidelines for Crafting Your Personal Impact Statement

  1. Be Specific: Describe how the situation affected you personally. Include dates, actions, and direct consequences where possible.
  2. Use Clear Language: Avoid technical jargon or legal terms unless necessary. Explain the impact in your own words.
  3. Stay Objective: Focus on the facts and your experiences without making defamatory statements or unfounded allegations.
  4. Express Your Feelings: It's acceptable to share how the situation made you feel, such as frustrated, disappointed, or unfairly treated.
  5. Avoid Investment Terminology: Since VERI tokens were not marketed as investments, refrain from using terms like "investment," "profit," or "return on investment."

Example Impact Statement Components

  1. Introduction: Briefly state your involvement with Veritaseum and how you came to hold VERI tokens.
  2. Experience with the Platform: Describe how you used the platform and the benefits you received prior to the shutdown.
  3. Impact of the SEC's Actions: Detail the specific ways in which the actions affected you.
  4. Emotional and Psychological Effects: Share any emotional distress or concerns that arose as a result.
  5. Closing Thoughts: Express your hopes for resolution or your feelings about the importance of fair treatment in such cases.

Sample Impact Statement

I became a VERI token holder in [Year] because I was excited about accessing Veritaseum's innovative platform for [describe intended use]. The platform provided unique tools that I integrated into my personal/business activities.

However, following the SEC's actions, I lost access to the platform entirely. This disruption not only halted my ongoing projects but also left me with tokens that I could no longer utilize for their intended purpose. The sudden shutdown caused significant frustration and concern.

I believe that the actions taken were unjust and did not consider the genuine value and utility that Veritaseum provided to its community.

Guidelines for Writing a Strong Personal Impact Statement

  1. Be Authentic: Share your personal experiences honestly and accurately.
  2. Provide Evidence: Back up your statements with specific details such as dates, actions, and direct outcomes.
  3. Keep it Concise: Aim for clarity and brevity.
  4. Stay Respectful: Avoid aggressive or disrespectful language.
  5. Review and Edit: Review your statement for clarity and coherence.


By reflecting on these guidelines, you can craft a comprehensive and personal impact statement for your Bar grievances. Authenticity is key.

Re: Request for Investigation of Attorney Jorge G. Tenreiro for Alleged Professional Misconduct and Tortious Interference

Dear Members of the Attorney Grievance Committee,

I am filing a formal complaint against Deputy Chief, Crypto Asset and Cyber Unit, in the Division of Enforcement at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and former advisor to Chair Gary Gensler, a member of the New York Bar. This complaint arises from Mr. Tenreiro’s conduct during his handling of SEC v. Reginald Middleton et al., Case No. 1:19-cv-04625-WFK-RER, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York.


Defendant Reginald Middleton is an experienced financial analyst recognized for publishing research reports foreshadowing the financial crisis. He later founded an innovative start-up company, Veritaseum, LLC. In April/May 2017 the Defendants conducted an initial coin offering (“ICO”), Veritaseum LLC. sold digital “utility tokens,” called VERI tokens, which immediately enabled token holders to acquire Veritaseum’s research reports and, as the business expanded, to gain access to the company’s software platform and avail themselves of Veritaseum’s unique products and services, which were continually expanded and improved.

An Overview of Jorge Tenreiro’s Behavior

The SEC’s main justification for applying for an emergency TRO were the allegations of misappropriation of funds and their alleged fear of further dissipation of assets. A comprehensive rebuttal was provided by Mr. Middleton dealing specifically with all the allegations contained in the SEC complaint, including pointing out the “errors” made by their expert witnesses concerning the alleged dissipation of assets and manipulative trading. It is contended, in view of the two-year investigation and over 1M+ pages of documents and media provided to the SEC, that these were not in fact errors but deliberate falsehoods, but which were later only marginally “corrected” by further declarations from the said expert witnesses, but only after having been highlighted by Mr. Middleton in his subsequent rebuttal. Despite this, the SEC’s counsel did not aver to these corrections in pleadings and subsequent declarations made to the Court, and that the SEC had (apparently knowingly and wilfully, or at least should have known that it) made materially false and misleading representations and undermined the integrity of the proceedings, and as such, it is asserted that the SEC had committed a fraud on the Court.

False and Unsubstantiated Claims

1. Allegation of False Claims about Platform Operability & Functionality:

Despite technical and functional documentation having been provided to the SEC about the operational status of the Veritaseum platform; VeADIR (Veritaseum Autonomous Dynamic Interactive Research), the SEC alleged in their Complaint that Mr Middleton falsely stated Veritaseum’s Ethereum-based platform was “functional now as beta,” and that the defendants “claimed to have a product ready...when no such product existed” and that the defendants “knew or recklessly disregarded", these statements were all false.

Purposeful Misrepresentation, Mischaracterization, and Lying to Gain Legal Advantage in the Courtroom: Committing a Fraud on the Court

It is alleged that Mr. Tenreiro may have misrepresented or mischaracterized facts, potentially presenting half-truths in the SEC’s Complaint/TRO and Memorandum of Law in Further Support of its Application for a Preliminary Injunction Freezing Assets against the Defendants. Allegations suggest that these actions may have been conducted with knowledge of their inaccuracies, raising concerns of potential fraud upon the Court.

Alleged Instances of Dishonest Misrepresentation

It appears that Tenreiro knew the VeADIR platform was operational and functional since he attended a presentation at his offices on March 9, 2018. Despite this, he lied to the Court by stating no such product existed or was not “ready to ship” in the SEC’s Complaint and application for an emergency temporary restraining order (TRO). Even when given the opportunity to correct this false statement in his application for a Preliminary Injunction freezing assets, he failed to do so.

Legal and Ethical Breaches

False Statements to the Court: Under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, knowingly making false statements to the court or government entities is a felony. The SEC’s actions, including Tenreiro’s use of incorrect information about the Kraken account, potentially violate this law because they knowingly presented misleading facts to secure a legal advantage.

Impact on VERI Token Holders

Relevant Rules Violated:

Exhibits and Supporting Documentation